(dp0 S'patchFile' p1 S'reverbShifterSingleton.pd' p2 sS'patchLog' p3 S'' p4 sS'patchDate' p5 S'2010-06-26 15:38:32' p6 sS'patchTitle' p7 S'reverbShifter' p8 sS'patchAuthor' p9 S'Malte Steiner' p10 sS'patchDesc' p11 S'reverb the incomming signal,pitchshift the result, filter it and feed it back to reverb, resulting in complex soundscapes. Its vanilla except freeverb~. Here is a video of its application (you can hear it in the second half): http://www.vimeo.com/12002308' p12 s.